Friday 19 February 2016


So this is a post about some people on this world. Yesterday I put a picture on my instagram account and it was from my bathtub while I was having a bath. You can't see anything just my leg I will post the picture below. And since that picture was taken with snapchat and put on snapchat story first I put a hashtag add me on snapchat on my picture. I want to make new friends on my social media and thought this would be a good idea but it backfired like a total disaster. So this is a message to mostly boys out there, no most of the girls won't send you their nude photos, because that is lame. I'm sorry if I offended anyone but it is lame, stop asking girls that and find yourself a girlfriend so she can be naked in front of you and not on picture. And so about 10 boy added me and asked me to send them a pic or they send me pic of their dick like I wanted to see that. So when they asked me that I responded with no, some of them respected that but there was one guy who told me I was a bitch. So we started fighting and at the end he stoped asking me but first he said many rude things. Like stop that, if a girl doesn't want to send you nudes respect that and back off, I'm not turned on by your dick pic. I hope you haven't had similar problems but if you did or still have them just block them and that is it. And also the same thing was happening to me on kik and I deinstalled it because some of them are just perverts but some are good.
Message from this post is to respect  everyone, I mean if you are a girl who likes to send nudes to strangers I'm not here to judge you, just be careful what you are doing, And also nudes to your boyfriends, you can do it but be careful you can trust them. And just stop hating, I have seen o many hates on twiiter and instagram it is sad, just stop with that, it's not worth it. Love everyone but first love yourself and learn how to say NO!

Dakle pošto sam rekla da ću pisat i na  hrvatskom evo ga. Ovo je post o nekim ljudima koje sam u zadnje vrijeme imala prilike vidjeti na internetu. Jučer sam stavila sliku iz kade na instagram, na slici se vidio dio noge i sve ostale je bilo pjena, stavit ću sliku ispod. Pošto je ta slika bila slikana snapchat kamerom u opis slike sam stavil hashtag add me on snapchat ili po naški dodaj  me na snapchatu. Htjela bih stvoriti neke nove prijatelje možda i izvan granica Hrvatske i mislim da su društvene mreže super prilika za to, ali to mi se u potpunosti odbilo o glavu. Na kraju sam imala brdo slikana snapu u kojem me većina pitat da im se slikam gola ili su mi poslali sliku svojih intimnih dijelova kao da sam ih ja to tražila. Prvo dečki/cure to je jadno, rađe si nađite curu koja će vam se uživo skinut nego ovako preko slika ko neki perverznjaci. Svakom od njih sam odgovorila sa ne, neki su to poštovali, a jedan od njih me nazvao kurvom i kad sam mu rekla da ja nisam kurva zato nego da je on jadan naravno da me još malo izvrijeđao. Dakle molim vas ako vam cura ne želi slat slike odustanite i poštujte njenu odluku jer je to njeno  tijelo. A cure slobodno recite ne i ako i dalje nastave pitat samo ih blokirajte. I ista stvar mi se dešavala i na kiku tako da sam ga obrisala.
Poruka ovog mog malo dužeg teksa je da poštujete sve ma kakvi god bili. I ako si ti jedna od tih cura koja šalje gole slike znaj da te ja ne oduđujem, to je tvoj živo, tvoje tijelo i tvoj odluka samo pazi na posljedice. I istu stvar mislim za gole slike koje šaljete dečkima, obavezno pazite kakve taj dečko ima namjere.I jednostavno prestanite mrziti po društvenim mrežama, nije vrijedno toga. Volite sve, ali najviše sebe, naučite se boriti za sebe i reći NE!

I love you :*
Volim vas puno :*

Tuesday 16 February 2016


This is just a quick update. I'm sick and that's why I'm not posting anything. I just decided I will write on 2 languages. Since I.m Croatian and i think that people there read my blog I will make it easier for them to understand. I hope I will put something new on my blog soon but I'm in my bed whole day watching series and reading. I hope you like my blog for now and I will make it better I just need time and support. Thank you for reading.

Dakle odlučila sam pisat i na hrvatskom da bi ljudima koji ne razumiju engleski ili im se jednostavno neda lakše razumiju o ćemu pišem. Bolesna sam, imam  upalu uha, užasno mi je dosadno tako da cijele dane gledam serije i čitam. Ne znam kad ću stavit nešto novo na blog nadam se uskoro. Nadam se da vam se sviđa moj rad do sada, ali ću se potruditi da bude bolje. Hvala svima koji čitate. 

Sunday 14 February 2016

Chicken with prosciutto and spinach

This is a meal I did for the second time and it was amazing.

-chicken breast
-cream cheese

1. First you stew some onions on oil and then you add spinach. It cook for just few minuets.
2. Then you pu a slice of prosciutto and on that a fillet of chicken. You smear cream cheese on chicken and then add the spinach. When done you just roll it and if needed put a toothpick so it doesn't  fall apart.
3.You fry it for a few minuets on each side and put it in a casserole.
4. You put cream and Parmesan on top.
5. Put it in oven on 180 degrees Celsius for about 30-40 minuets. Just check after 30 minuets if it is gold colour it's done.


Sunday 7 February 2016


This is how I do my lasanga, it's simple and very tasty.

-I use ground beef and pork, but you can use any meat you like.
-Lasanga pasta
-Tomato sauce
-Cheese, I use what I have in my fridge
You can add what ever you want, I cook for my family so I just make the easiest one. Also I will tell you what spices I put but that is what we like in it.

1. First you put oil in a skillet and wait so oil is heated a little, then you put meat and cook it until it changes colour. In this step I put only salt and pepper inside.
2. When meat has changed colour you put tomato sauce and cook it for about 10 minuets. In this step I put a little red pepper, chilli and some garlic inside. It isn't hot but chilli gives it a nice aroma.
3.You make bechamel sauce, I make it whit flour and milk. I never know how much I put because every time I make it diffrent.

Now everything we needed to cook is done.
You preheat oven on about 180 degrees.
And we are ready for layers.

1. You put a layer of lasanga pasta.

2.Now a layer of meat and I put cheese on meat.

3.And last is layer of bechamel sauce.

5.You repeat that one more time and I put more lasanga pasta, cheese and bechamel sauce on top. And then it's done. You put it in oven and bake for about 20-25 minuets.

Enjoy your meal!
Thanks for reading.

Saturday 6 February 2016

Little black dress-FASHION

Last week I was at the wedding and the hardest part was finding the perfect dress. I found it afer a month and think it's amazing. Also I don't have time to post every day, in my school everything is crazy and I have to study hard so that's why I'm not posting regularly.
I will just post pictures and at the end I will tell you were I bought everything. 
For the next post I hope I will do a book review.
And also I made new instagram account, link is below, and for my private instagram and twitter.

Dress: H&M
High heels: Importane centar
Blazer: it's my mom's and old so I don't know where she bought it
Jewelry: Elegance in Ilica

Until my next post; which I hope will be soon.
Instagram(public and for blog):
Snapchat: mateja_burisa
Thanks, Mateja.