Tuesday 16 February 2016


This is just a quick update. I'm sick and that's why I'm not posting anything. I just decided I will write on 2 languages. Since I.m Croatian and i think that people there read my blog I will make it easier for them to understand. I hope I will put something new on my blog soon but I'm in my bed whole day watching series and reading. I hope you like my blog for now and I will make it better I just need time and support. Thank you for reading.

Dakle odlučila sam pisat i na hrvatskom da bi ljudima koji ne razumiju engleski ili im se jednostavno neda lakše razumiju o ćemu pišem. Bolesna sam, imam  upalu uha, užasno mi je dosadno tako da cijele dane gledam serije i čitam. Ne znam kad ću stavit nešto novo na blog nadam se uskoro. Nadam se da vam se sviđa moj rad do sada, ali ću se potruditi da bude bolje. Hvala svima koji čitate. 

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