Sunday 27 December 2015

The vampire diaries-TV

The vampire diaries is a supernatural drama based on the series of novels by L.J.Smith. I had written about books so if you want to check that out I will post a link:

I started watching it by accident actually and now I am hooked on it. I love it, the story,the cast, everything. But for the last few season it feels like they don't have something good to write so it's boring, Like the story is forced to much, and also main actress Nina Dobrev quited and they lost main character. But I want to go back to first season, a lot of fans stopped watching it because she left and they say it is her sory but actually the first episode of season 1 said that it is Stefan story and I think that writers forgot it because after season 1 everything was revolving around her. Don't get me wrong I love Elena(okay maybe sometimes I hate her, but mostly I love her) but it was his story. I think first 3 season were amazing, they had good stories and I couldn't wait for new episode, now it's like I lost passion for it. In this season I miss Delena moments but also I want more Steroline moments and I'm afraid that all of us are going to be disapointed at the end and that makes me sad.

Now, on twitter I follow fans which have diffrent ships and sometimes I can't belive how much hey hate each other, like its ridiculous. I love Delena but I also loved Elena with Stefan because they were cute, so I think I ship her with both of them. And it happens with a lot of ships I start with one, then they broke up, find someone new and I like them together so again I ship them both. But why hate each other, everyone has his own opinion and it's a good thing, world would be boring if we all thought the same. So stop with hate and talk normal!
I think season 7 will be the last one and I'm sad but also maybe thats better. It was good while it lasted. If you love supernatural themes and love stories, actually a lot od them you are going to enjoy the show. 
And also I'm a girl so I enjoy the male cast they chose, all of them. 
And also there is a spin off The originals and I watch that to, sometimes it's even better than TVD but I will made a post about that too.

Thanks, Mateja!

Saturday 26 December 2015

Merry Christmas

My laptop broke so that's why I haven't post anything in a while. But MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone!!
So this year my mom and me decided to do something diffrent, we made tree on a wall because we have small apartment and it's amazing. 
It looks like this and I made it in a few days and the best thing is you have much more space then with normal tree, so thats a big plus. 
This year I didn't get much presents, they mostly gave me money. 
But I am obsessed eith candels so I got 2, so happy. 
One is tee and vanilla smell and other one I am not sure, maybe some flower.
Then I got a makeup set, that made me very happy because one can never have too much makeup. 
And last I got chocolates and candys.
They want me to be fat.

If you like my tree and want to know how I made it tell me in the comments and I'm going to tell you whole proces of maling it which was very easy. 

Love, Mateja!

Tuesday 15 December 2015

I miss summer

So in last few days I've been very nostalgic. I miss summer and sun, it's cold here and I hate that. It's almost Christmas so I'm going to show you how me and my family spend it and also this year we decided to make something new, since we don't have much room in are home then we made a tree on a wall and I think thats a great idea for you if you don't have much room but about that in some later post.
So I actually wanted to show my 2 favourite pieces this summer. 

Sorry for dirty mirror and room, I was just searching for something and this happend.
So this overalls and this bikkini top are from Tezenis. So I worr them whole summer, I took them of just so they can wash and dry. I feel really comfortable in them. And bikini top is just amazing, mostly because blue is my favorite colour and thats the reason I fell in love with it. 
And last picture is going to show where I want to be now, school is almost over and I'm dying so this is where I'm most of the time. 

And also this is my instagram acount if anyone wants to follow me, but if I will probably open a new one connected just to blog.

Thursday 10 December 2015

FASHION-my style for drinks on friday

This is one winter/fall combination I just adore. 
So this coat is from Zara and I don't now how old it is but I just love it. It' light gray and has really cute desing.

Then my shirt is just cute, I have matching red and just love them, they are so comfy. And it's from Teranova. And this is another photo but I think shirt is washing now so I can't take new photo.

Now, pants, they are from Mango. I love black pants, you can wear them to every colour. I have matching jeans and white pants.

Then scarf, it's from H&M and I bought it in Czech Republic few years ago. When I saw it I had to buy it. It has unique print and I love the skulls. 

Then my new babies, they are black boots, heel is about 7 cm and they are really comfortable. I bought them in Dolce Cecillia store in Vlaška ulica.

And last, my bag, I got this as birthday present and I don't now where my friend bought it. It's H&M but I got it before it came to Croatia, I think in Graz. It is black and has a big black ribbon.

And this was my makeup for the night. In some later post I will tell you everything I have on my face. 

Tuesday 8 December 2015

The vampire diaries-BOOK

You all probably heard of TVD, a supernatural drama staring Ian Somerhalder, Paul Wesley and Nina Dobrev but she quited this season. So that series is basen on series of novels written by L.J.Smith. In some later posts I will write about the tv series but now about book because book came first.

So I first watched the show but then I found out about books and I had to read them, it was hard to find them in Croatia but if anyone wants to now you go to Algoritam and there you have them. First book is amazing and it is diffrent than on tv bit still very interasting and fun. There are a lot of diffrent characters and situations and even the looks of actors but I think thats what makes books and series so amazing. I love first 4 books and I read one book in a day or 2, but the 5th part wasn't that good to me and also now I'm reading part 6 and it's not that interasting as first 4 books. But I will read all of them. 

And also there are 7 books and in Croatia we only have 6.

Sunday 6 December 2015

Pizza-Croatian style

So I'm going to show you how me and my parents make pizza. If you want my recepie ask me in comments.

So you do it like any normal pizza, put on it whatever you want but it is where we bake it what is different. We bake it under "peka" I will post you a picture, for about 10 min, not more and then it's done. 
In this you don't just bake pizza, you can do a lot of meals, mostly meat and potato.

This is result:
It's really amazing, you have to try it! 

Saturday 5 December 2015

Mamma mia!-MUSICAL

Sad ću pisati o kazališnoj predstavi točnije mjuziklu koji sam nedavno gledala. Radi se o Mamma mia u Gradskom kazalištu komedija. Predstava je fenomenalna i ja bih je preporučila svima, bila sam jako skeptična što se tiče prijevoda pogotovo zato što vrlo dobro razumijem engleski i cijelo vrijeme sam pjevala pjesme na engleskom i provjeravala prijevod. Ugodno sam se iznenadila, mjuzikl je rađen po filmu tako sa točno prati film, ali je zanimljivo slušati jer nije samo preveden već ima neke stvari prilagođene nama. Ne znam točno sve glumce koji su glumili i mislim da svi imaju alternacije (zamjene). Donnu koju u filmu glumi Meryl Streep u našoj verziju savršeno ju je utjelovila Renata Sabljak koja će vas iznenaditi i kad pusti svoj glas jednostavno će vas oduševiti.
Dakle ako ste u Zagrebu ili planirate ići u Zagreb, posjetite Komediju, vjerujte, nećete požaliti.
Renata Sabljak

50 shades-BOOK

I read all 3 books, and few days ago I read he fourth part called Grey. In first 3 books the story is told by english lit student Anastasia Steel and 4th book is told by Christian Grey. So I now many people have said that book is crap and I think it is kind of sweet, I now it is acceptable just because he is rich but the both caracters grow and we can see the change especially in him. Someone who had a lifestlye that was just sex and control and than he met this girl and she was something that changed him so much. maybe its because I can find romance in almost everything but on some situations I almost cried. Second and third books are amazing, I like that Christian is finnaly opening up and everything that goes with it. The plots are amazing.

Now lets talk about sex, some things are really weird and maybe no for everyone but we shouldn´t judge people on how they dress or what they do in bedroom or in this case playroom. It should stop being a taboo, sex is normal. The book is 18+ but kids today now so much more than you think and by kids I mean children to the age of 14 so elementary school. In high school teens lear everythign about that so reading that book can only make them more experienced but also they can learn some things that are not good such as if someone buys you everything he can do everything. THAT IS NOT TRUE!!!! You are a pearson who can think for he/him self and do that, do not let anyone disrespect you.

And a little about movie, I think it was good I wolud have made it diffrent and wouldn´t shoot same how the book is going, they should have put something more and maybe better do all the feelings and not just making actors look like robots. Cast is okay, Dakota Johnson as Anastasia is good and Jamie Dornan as Christian, at first I didn´t like him very much, he is hot and very handsom but I imagined him differently but now I think he was good choice and I decided to wait for second movie to see if they did i any better.

Wednesday 2 December 2015


So I wanted to talk about my favourite TV series called Bones, you all probably heard for it. It is crime, comedy drama with David Boreanaz and Emily Deschanel in leading roles. They play FBI agent S.Booth and forensic anthropologist T. Brennan.
I don´t remembre how I started watching, maybe an accident but since that I am hooked, so glad that ˝accident˝ happened. I love the cast, the script is amazing, sometimes I don´t understan what they are talking about but that doesn´t matter. I think I started watching while they were shoting season 4 so for about five years I wait for every ep and I watch it as soon as it comes online here in Croatia, which is usually day after US.

Why I love it?
Answer is simple, I love crime in everything:movies, books, tv series so that is one reason. And other is that I enjoy the chemistry between them but also the atmosphere of the show.
If you haven´t watched it you should and I promise you wouldn´t be disappointed. And for you who watched I want your opinion.

Since it is based on books by Katy Reich I´ve been trying to find them for years and I think they don´t exist here and that makes me so sad :( I hope in some time they are going to come here so I can read them.

I hope you like this, maybe it will make you watch Bones maybe not. If you read this comment, say if you like it and f you want to me to write about some series I will do it and eve if I didn´t watch it I will.

Thanks for reading, Mateja x

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Hello ;)

Hi everyone!
So I always wanted to have a blog and now I´m finally starting. I am going to write about lots of things, but mainly about cooking, fashion, makeup, book reviews, tv shows, travel and maybe some random stuff. I am from Croatia ;)
P,S. I will try to write every day.
P.P.S And also I will mix english and croatian so if anyone needs translation just ask me in the comments, thanks for reading.