Wednesday 2 December 2015


So I wanted to talk about my favourite TV series called Bones, you all probably heard for it. It is crime, comedy drama with David Boreanaz and Emily Deschanel in leading roles. They play FBI agent S.Booth and forensic anthropologist T. Brennan.
I don´t remembre how I started watching, maybe an accident but since that I am hooked, so glad that ˝accident˝ happened. I love the cast, the script is amazing, sometimes I don´t understan what they are talking about but that doesn´t matter. I think I started watching while they were shoting season 4 so for about five years I wait for every ep and I watch it as soon as it comes online here in Croatia, which is usually day after US.

Why I love it?
Answer is simple, I love crime in everything:movies, books, tv series so that is one reason. And other is that I enjoy the chemistry between them but also the atmosphere of the show.
If you haven´t watched it you should and I promise you wouldn´t be disappointed. And for you who watched I want your opinion.

Since it is based on books by Katy Reich I´ve been trying to find them for years and I think they don´t exist here and that makes me so sad :( I hope in some time they are going to come here so I can read them.

I hope you like this, maybe it will make you watch Bones maybe not. If you read this comment, say if you like it and f you want to me to write about some series I will do it and eve if I didn´t watch it I will.

Thanks for reading, Mateja x

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