Saturday 26 December 2015

Merry Christmas

My laptop broke so that's why I haven't post anything in a while. But MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone!!
So this year my mom and me decided to do something diffrent, we made tree on a wall because we have small apartment and it's amazing. 
It looks like this and I made it in a few days and the best thing is you have much more space then with normal tree, so thats a big plus. 
This year I didn't get much presents, they mostly gave me money. 
But I am obsessed eith candels so I got 2, so happy. 
One is tee and vanilla smell and other one I am not sure, maybe some flower.
Then I got a makeup set, that made me very happy because one can never have too much makeup. 
And last I got chocolates and candys.
They want me to be fat.

If you like my tree and want to know how I made it tell me in the comments and I'm going to tell you whole proces of maling it which was very easy. 

Love, Mateja!

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